Uma Kumaran MP

Your voice for Stratford & Bow

I was born in East London. I studied at Queen Mary University. I've lived in Stratford, in Maryland and in Bow. Now, I want to make a difference here.

I know the difference Labour in power can make. I was born in the NHS and have worked for the NHS. I've spent most of my working life in public service, from working with the UN and global climate advocates to tackle climate change, to helping London's Mayor deliver life-changing policies like free school meals and new council homes.

14 years of Tory austerity has had a huge impact on our communities. But as your champion, working with a new Labour Government, I’ll deliver for you and your family.

I promise to be your voice in Westminster, to stand up for fairness, for peace and hope - I’ll always fight for you.

My Maiden Speech:

Representing Stratford and Bow in Parliament:


The return to school can be exciting - but for some families, especially those with children who have mental health & SEND needs, it can be challenging.

I asked the Secretary of State for Education what steps are being taken to support families so that school can be the best place for every child.


London is home to more Headquarters than any other European city, including many based in Stratford in my constituency.

I asked the Chancellor about the Government's plans to encourage inward investment so that this success can continue & help wider economic growth across the UK.


England faces a 14-year high of people under 75 dying from Cardiovascular diseases - including Heart Disease and Stroke. This is a shameful legacy of the last Tory Government.

I asked the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care to outline his plans to reverse this.


With my first question in Parliament, I raised the pressures facing A&E departments in hospitals that serve my constituents.

The Minister of State for Secondary Care addressed the challenges & agreed community pharmacist prescribing services can be part of the solution.

My Pledges To You

  • I WILL BE ACCESSIBLE - With a constituency office at the heart of the community. I will be your voice in Westminster and always fight for you.

  • FIXING THE HOUSING CRISIS WITH NEW HOMES YOU CAN AFFORD - Local people have been squeezed out. I am backing the biggest boost to affordable housing in a generation, with first dibs for first-time buyers. I'll fight for renters reform, tougher rules on cladding, and for wholesale leasehold reform.

  • FIXING OUR NHS AND CUTTING LOCAL WAITING LISTS - I will fight for better health services so your family gets treatment faster by cutting waiting lists, delivering out-of-hours services and always supporting our NHS doctors and nurses.

  • INVESTING IN SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY - I will push for safer and cleaner streets, for the funding that local schools so desperately need and for investment in Stratford Station.

  • PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENT AND LOWERING YOUR BILLS - I have been an international advocate for bolder climate action, I’ll bring this experience to Stratford and Bow. Labour will set up Great British Energy, a publicly-owned clean power company to cut your bills for good.

Privacy Policy - Uma Kumaran MP

Personal data

Under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) personal data is defined as:

“any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person”.

How we use your information

This privacy notice tells you how Uma Kumaran MP’s office will collect and use your personal data.

Why does Uma Kumaran MP need to collect and store personal data?

In order for us to deal with casework for constituents, respond to policy enquiries, and to keep residents updated about campaigns and local issues we need to collect personal data. We are committed to ensuring that the information we collect and use is appropriate for this purpose, and does not constitute an invasion of your privacy. We have CCTV on site at the constituency office.

The lawful basis for processing casework data has been identified as public interest. In addition, when processing data which contains sensitive personal information and needs to be shared with external bodies, we must ask for the data subject’s consent.

As a Labour MP, Uma also has access to other information which Uma Kumaran MP’s office may use for campaigning purposes or for communicating with Labour Party members. In respect of that information, the Labour Party is the data controller, and you should consult their privacy policy ( for details of what information they hold, why, and how they use and process that information.

Will Uma Kumaran MP’s office share my personal data with anyone else?

We may pass your personal data on to third-party service providers in the course of dealing with you, such as local authorities, government agencies, public bodies, health trusts, regulators, and so on. Any third parties that we may share your data with are obliged to keep your details securely, and

to use them only for the purpose they were provided. When they no longer need your data to fulfil this service, they will dispose of the details in line with their procedures.

Uma Kumaran MP’s office contracts third parties to undertake work that involves our data: casework software maintenance, data entry, website hosting and maintenance, email management software and shredding. Our contractors are either EU based or based in countries deemed “adequate” by the EU for data protection terms. In all cases contractors and sub-contractors have signed contracts which guarantee that appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to protect the data.

We will only share CCTV footage to third party security services in relation to a security incident.

How will Uma Kumaran MP’s office use the personal data it collects about me?

Uma Kumaran MP’s office will process (collect, store and use) the information you provide in a manner compatible with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up to date, and not keep it for longer than is necessary. Uma Kumaran MP’s office is required to retain information in accordance with the law, such as information needed for income tax and audit purposes. How long certain kinds of personal data should be kept may also be governed by specific requirements and agreed practices. Personal data may be held in addition to these periods depending on individual needs.

All cases that concern a policy issue will be deleted two years after the case has been closed on our system. This will include personal data such as name and contact information. If you have multiple cases with us, individual cases will be deleted after two years, and only when the last case is deleted will personal data such as names and contact information be deleted.

All cases that concern a personal issue, and are of a non-complex nature, will be deleted two years after the case has been closed on our system. This will include personal data such as name and contact information. If you have multiple cases with us, individual cases will be deleted after two years, and only when the last case is deleted will personal data such as names and contact information be deleted.

If you have one or more case that is a complex personal case, and during the course of that case we hold significant information on you – such as forms that were and can be used as evidence of a decision on a case – we will contact you two years after the case has been closed to ask you what you want us to do with the data we hold on you. You will be asked to consent to one of two options. Option One is that we can delete the information we hold on you. Option Two is that we download a copy of the file we have with the case information and send it to you for your filing and reference. We would then delete that case and any personal information such as name and contact details, if this is the last case you have with us and has been closed for two years or more. If after two weeks we do not receive a reply, we will delete the case.

Under what circumstances will Uma Kumaran MP’s office contact me?

In order to process casework, it may be necessary to contact you in order to get further information from you or to feedback any responses we receive.

If you have provided consent to be contacted about local campaigns and news, we will contact you when required. You will always have the option of withdrawing consent.

If you have contacted Uma Kumaran MP about an issue she may, from time to time, send an update about that issue. Again, you will always have the option of withdrawing consent.

Following a General Election, if your address no longer sits within the constituency that Uma Kumaran MP represents, her office will contact you to provide you three options concerning the data we hold on you, for you to decide what is done with it and to seek your consent. Option One is that we will delete the information we have on you if the case is already closed with us. Option Two is that we will send you a file with all the information we hold on file for you, so that you can store that as you wish, and we will then delete the information we hold on you. This will apply to open and closed cases we have for you. Option Three is that we will transfer any open case we have with you to the new MP for the area your address represents, once consent is given. We will then delete the information we hold on you. We will offer the three options to you and give you four weeks to respond. After four weeks, we will delete the information we hold on you.

Personal data and the website of Uma Kumaran MP


A cookie is a tiny text file that is stored on your computer. We may use cookies in order to tailor your experience on our site according to the preferences you have specified.

Links to other websites

This website contains links to other websites. Uma Kumaran MP is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these websites.

Your rights

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal data and the opportunity to choose how it is used. You can:

· Obtain copies of the personal data I hold about you (known as a “subject access request”)

· Request that I correct or update any personal data held about you

· Ask that we erase or restrict the way in which I use your data

· Request that personal data you have given your consent for me to use is provided in an electronic format so it can be transferred to another data controller (also known as “data portability”)

You may opt out of receiving further communications from me in any medium at any time. All requests to unsubscribe are dealt with promptly.

If you wish to exercise your rights in respect of your personal data or have any concerns about how your data is used, please contact my Data Protection Officer:

The Data Protection Officer

Uma Kumaran

House of Commons




Telephone: TBC

Alternatively, you have right to raise any issues or concerns directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office.